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Seachem Reef Pack Fundamentals

Seachem Reef Pack Fundamentals



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    Seachem Reef Pack Fundamentals

    Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. To prevent this, you must provide calcium (Seachem Reef Complete) and carbonates (Seachem Reef Carbonate). To improve the vitality and overall health of the corals (which in turn accelerates growth), provide vitamins, amino acids and trace elements with Seachem Reef Plus. Seachem Reef Pack Fundamentals combines these three products in this foundational pack perfect for beginners.


    Seachem Reef Complete is a concentrated (160,000 mg/Ltr) optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium to levels found in natural seawater without affecting pH. Seachem Reef Complete also includes magnesium and strontium in amounts proportionate to typical utilization ratios (100:5:0.1, Ca:Mg:Sr).


    Seachem Reef Carbonate is a concentrated (4,000 meq/Ltr) optimized blend of carbonate and bicarbonate salts designed to restore and maintain alkalinity in the reef aquarium. Used as directed, Seachem Reef Carbonate will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity.


    Seachem Reef Plus is a full spectrum supplement of trace components such as iodide, bromide, molybdenum, iron, manganese, cobalt, potassium, inositol, choline; important vitamins such as C and B12; and beneficial amino acids, such as cysteine, proline, glycine, alanine, and lysine.

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