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Seachem MultiTest Marine pH & Alkalinity

Seachem MultiTest Marine pH & Alkalinity



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    Seachem MultiTest Marine pH & Alkalinity

    Marine pH should be 8.2 - 8.4. Tanks dosed with limewater may go as high as 8.6. Natural sea water has a total alkalinity of 2 - 3 meq/Ltr, but aquarium water should have a total alkalinity of 4 - 6 meq/Ltr.

    This test kit features a unique dye that has a pronounced color change between 8.0 and 8.3, making it the easiest kit on the market to read in that critical range. It is suitable for marine or brackish water only. Alkalinity may be read from the same sample in 0.5 meq/Ltr increments.

    This kit measures total alkalinity. Total alkalinity is a measure of the carbonate, bicarbonate, borate and hydroxide content of the water, expressed as the acid neutralizing capacity of the water in meq/Ltr (milliequivalents/Liter). The expression of alkalinity as meq/Ltr is chemically sound and the most useful way to express this property of the water to resist change in pH.


    Color Chart

    The Seachem MultiTest Ammonia test kit comes with an easy-to-read color chart. It features a 5 cm viewing window to help isolate color and match as closely as possible to the test sample.


    Opaque Multi-Cavity Test Plate

    The Seachem MultiTest test kit is read from an opaque white test plate. The sliding color chart along with the six-cavity test plate allows for easy reading and comparisons of several samples at the same time.

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