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RS 368A Overhead Aquarium Filter

RS 368A Overhead Aquarium Filter

SKU: 2041000679283

#RS-368A, #Overhead-Aquarium-Filters-For-Sale-Online, #RS-Electrical-Filters, #Aquarium-Filters-For-Sale-Online, #Biological-Aquarium-Filtration, #Fish-Tank-Filters, 

Only 2 left in stock

RS 368A

Is an Overhead Aquarium Filtration unit using a Biological Filtration System.



Beneficial bacteria grow & work very effectively due to the excellent air/water interaction as water passes through and around the included filter media set.

Easy to do maintenance, just open the lid and replace the Filter Wool at required intervals.

Uneaten food and solid fish waste can be easily spotted & removed before they can break down into toxins, reducing the Bio load on the system.

Excellent gas exchange between the water and air at the water inlet and outlet zones.
Water re-entering the tank from the overhead filter creates good water circulation & brings returning water with high levels of dissolved oxygen down to the lower regions of the Aquarium.


Quick Facts

Recommended for Medium-sized tanks (up to 400 Ltrs).

Easy to install.

Safe and Durable.

Quite operation.

Low energy consumption (30 Watt Pump).

Use multiple types of media.

Pump water from any position to increase circulation.

Ajustable base supports from 38cm to 60cm

Pump Cable Length 1.0 m


Packaging Size: 45cm Long x 13cm Wide x 12cm High.

Items in packaging: 14 

+ Free Media Pack: Filter wool, Bio Ball & Pumice stones.

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