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Marinium Zooplankton

SKU: 6368265484503

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Natural Seawater is a complex solution, containing a huge variety of elements and compounds that support the natural ecosystem with a striking diversity of marine life forms. All kinds of coral and other invertebrates that are now kept in aquariums have evolved through millions of years to utilize essential elements from seawater. As aquariums are a duplication of the natural marine ecosystem it is important to ensure that all known elements are available to provide optimal environmental conditions for the aquarium inhabitants. Apart from being directly consumed by living organisms, filtration systems such as protein skimmers, activated carbon, and algae scrubbers that all remove a significant amount of trace elements from the water column.


Marinium Bio Trace is a supplement of known essential trace elements needed for the growth and well-being of marine organisms. It is designed for reef aquariums that already employ supplementation of major and minor elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and strontium. Marinium Bio Trace is different from Marinium All In One because it does not contain major and minor elements and has a stronger concentration of trace elements.

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