Jebo UV H Series
The Jebo UV-H36 Clarifier is a great way to keep your Aquarium & Pond's environment safe, clear & clean. UV Clarifiers are effective in the control of harmful bacteria, algae & other nuisances like parasites. By pumping the water at different specific flow rates, the Jebo UV-H36 Clarifiers can be used against free-floating bacteria, algae, and parasitic organisms successfully.
For example
A flow rate suitable for controlling bacteria or free-floating algal spurs may not be effective against parasites. Larger micro-organisms like parasites are much more resistant to UV light & require a much slower flow rate that extends their UV exposure time to be most effective. To adjust the UV exposure time, simply increase or reduce the amount of water flowing through the Jebo UV-H36 unit as need be.
Suitable for both Aquariums & Ponds.
36-watt capacity.
Safe for aquatic fish & plants
Compact UV unit.
UV globe Included.
Low running costs.
Clears algal blooms safely.
Fast elimination of harmful microorganisms.
Controls free-swimming parasite levels.
3 in 1 hose connector.
Long lifetime.
High clarity quartz glass chamber.
Non-submersible use is required.